The Dragon of Wawel
Animated film for children age 4 – 7 based on the folk tales. Everything is well in the town of King Krak, until two unruly boys, Smykałka and Cholewka, inadvertently cause the arrival of a dragon. The dragon is always hungry. He pillages the town and its environs. After the failure of the knights to get rid of the monster King Krak calls a meeting. However, nobody has any idea how to deal with the problem. Smykałka and Cholewka, the boys, who had caused the calamity in the first place, finally dispatch of the dragon and become heroes.
Directed, artwork, background by Anna Dudek
Screenplay, dialogue by Ewa Jabłońska
(based on a folk fairy tale)
Music composed and performed by Arnold Dąbrowski
Layout by Janusz Gałązkowski, Elżbieta Kandziora, Anna Dudek, Lesław Budzelewski, Jacek Adamczak
Animation by Janusz Gałązkowski, Waldemar Szajkowski, Ewa Rodewald, Piotr Giersz, Elżbieta Kandziora, Lesław Budzelewski, Agnieszka Szcześniak, Artur Zejer, Anna Sita
Camera 2D, editing by Krzysztof Napierała
Sound by Wiesław Juragała
Dubbing directed by Dorota Kawęcka
Voices by Krzysztof Kołbasiuk, Leszek Zduń, Grzegorz Drojewski, Agnieszka Fajlhauer, Andrzej Gawroński, Michał Bukowski, Wojciech Paszkowski, Janusz Wituch, Jan Aleksandrowicz, Anna Apostolakis
Series title sequences by Robert Turło (directed, artwork, animation), Marek Kuczyński (music)
Series Production Managing by Mariola Olejniczak
Series Editor by Katarzyna Komorowska
Series Executive producer by Ewa Sobolewska
Production: TV Studio Filmów Animowanych Sp. z o.o.
Producer and Distribution: Telewizja Polska S.A.
Cartoon; Digital Betacam; 13:00 min., colour, format 4:3
Date of production: 30.11.2004 © TVP S.A.