Beautiful Face
Film from the “Fourteen Tales from Lailonia Kingdom by Leszek Kołakowski” series, based on the philosophical parables „Tales from Lailonia Kingdom for the Big and Small” by Leszek Kołakowski.
Nino, a baker’s apprentice from the Kingdom of Lailonia had a very beautiful face. Soon he noticed that wrinkles began appearing on it. Nino borrowed money from his neighbour and bought a trunk of immutability.
He then put his face in the trunk and lived without it. He claimed that only by keeping his face in the trunk of immutability he would be able to ensure its eternal youth and beauty. The neighbour demanded his money back. Nino pawned his beautiful face but got a sum lower than the sum owed. Nino went to prison for not paying his debt. The pawnbroker waited long for Nino to return and redeem his face. In the end he took the face from the trunk and gave it to his children to play with. The children turned the face into a football. Only Nino in his prison cell still thought that his face was the most beautiful in the world.
Directed by Maciej Wojtyszko
Script, dialogue by Jan Zamojski
Artwork by Artur Wrotniewski
Layout by Artur Wrotniewski, Lesław Budzelewski
Music composed by Jan Janga Tomaszewski
Music performed by Jan Janga Tomaszewski, Krzysztof Ścierański, Michał Kulenty, Sławomir Kulpowicz
Animation by Lesław Budzelewski, Janusz Gałązkowski, Szymon Felkel, Paweł Iwanowski, Elżbieta Kandziora, Krystyn Koczorski, Dorota Maciejewska, Maciej Matecki, Ewa Rodewald, Waldemar Szajkowski
Voices: Narrator-Zbigniew Zapasiewicz, Nino-Antonina Choroszy and Zbigniew Grochal, Aleksander Machalica, Daniela Popławska, Maria Rybarczyk
Camera by Krzysztof Szyszka, Krzysztof Napierała
Sound, editing by Wiesław Nowak
Production Managing by Ewa Sobolewska
Series executive director by Maciej Wojtyszko
Series editor by Anna M. Zaremba (TV SFA)
Series editor by Krystyna Chojnacka(TVP SA)
Classical animation on celluloid, 35 mm, colour, 388 m/e, 14:10 min.
Date of production: 09.07.1997 © TV SFA – TVP SA 1997