Polish Fairy Tales, series II
13 episodes x 13’
A series of animated films for children made for Channel 1 of Polish Television S.A.
The open, auteur formula of the series facilitates creative film interpretation of Polish fairy tales, stories and fables, attractive to the contemporary child. Each episode has been made using a different technique and different aesthetics. Tradition and contemporariness intertwine. As a result, the child is presented with a unique animation production, which remaining faithful to the literary original in terms of the story told invites the child to explore the diverse film conventions.
„/…/A concept of animation based on juggling genre conventions, situation, character and linguistic comedy, often revealing surprising contradictions, has proved a good idea for adapting well-known tales to the screen. This device has given them some new added shine and freshness. And what was once ‘a long, long time ago’ or ‘behind mountains, behind forests’, has turned out not to be so distant after all. And this is one reason why one should watch these fairy tales… and maybe also because Adam Mickiewicz said a long time ago that ‘this world is a pure fairytale!’/…/”. From the review by Iwona Grodź in Akademia Filmowa
Episodes 14 – 26 from the „Polish Fairy Tales” series
14. The Raven King /Król Kruków/, directed by Jacek Adamczak
15. The Witch’s Beads /Korale czarownicy/, directed by Aniela Lubieniecka
16. Winter Fairies / Zimowe wróżki/, directed by Anna Dudek
17. The Lying Goat Kozucha kłamczucha/, directed by Andrzej Kukuła
18. The Golden Apple Tree /Złota jabłoń/, directed by Joanna Jasińska Koronkiewicz
19. Shepherd of a Thousand of Hares /Pasterz tysiąca zajęcy/, directed by Zuzanna Krzysik
20. Susana and Water Sprites /Zuzanka i Utopce/, directed by Monika Martini Madej
21. Amber Crown / Bursztynowa korona/, directed by Paweł Czarzasty
22. Cobbler Kopytko and Kwak Duck /Szewc Kopytko i Kaczor Kwak/, directed by Andrzej Gosieniecki
23. On Zeflik and the Dragon /O Zefliku i smoku/, directed by Andrzej Kukuła
24. The Black Goblin /Czarne Licho/, directed by Robert Turło
25. Poznan Billygoats /Poznańskie koziołki/, directed by Jacek Adamczak
26. The Treasurer’s Gift /Dar Skarbnika/, directed by Robert Turło
Title sequence:
Directed, artwork, animated, camera by Robert Turło
Music composed and performed by Marek Kuczyński
Series Editor: Katarzyna Komorowska
Series Executive Producer: Ewa Sobolewska
Production: TV Studio of Animation Films Ltd.
Producer, distributor: Telewizja Polska SA
Aniamtion 2D for kids, Digital Betacam, colour, 13 episodes x 13′, format 16:9 © TVP S.A. 2007 – 2009
39 awards and commendations at international and national film festivals, including the prestigious Gold World Medal in New York, Platinum Remi Award and Special Remi Award in Houston and Gold Panda in Sichuan.
Up to date, films from the ‘Baśnie i Bajki Polskie’ [Polish Fairy Tales] series have been presented at over 250 film festivals and reviews, including in London, Rimini, Teheran, Pretoria, Sichuan, Chicago, Amsterdam, Madrid, Roma, Rimouski, Giffoni, Houston, Riga, Cairo, Tallin, Taipei, Buenos Aires, Vilnius, Chemnitz, Tel Aviv, Sydney, Hiroshima, Umei, Palm Springs, Tabor, Sheffield, Melbourne, Adelaide, Montevideo, Sancy, Toronto, Zlín, Moskwa, Třeboň, Gyor, Stuttgart, Oslo, San Francisco, Taiwan, Bosna and Hercegovina, Barcelona, Espinho, Berlin, Geneva, Ottawa, Kopenhagen, Seoul, Rio De Janeiro, Sao Paolo, Positano, New York, Clermont-Ferrand, Tampere, Annecy, Semarang, Changzhou, Mill Valley, Leipzig, Siena, Belfast, Ravenna, Bratislava.
The ‘Baśnie i Bajki Polskie’ [Polish Fairy Tales] series has been sold to 40 countries including the United Kingdom, Italy (2x), Spain (2x), Portugal (2x), Finland, Brazil, Argentina, Slovenia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Malta, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Iraq, Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Pakistan, Cyprus, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Vatican, Republic of San Marino, Monaco, Switzerland (Italian-speaking part).
THE TREASURER’S GIFT directed by Robert Turło
SILVER LINE AWARD for the best film for children, 16th National Festival of Auteur Animation Films OFAFA’2011, Cracow, Poland / 2011
THE LYING GOAT directed by Andrzej Kukuła
CHILDREN AUDIENCE AWARD, X Biennial of Animation Bratislava – International Festival of Animated Films of Children, Bratislava, Slovakia / 2010
SECOND PLACE in category Films for Children, II National Festival of Animation Films Borutafest’2010, Łęczyca, Poland / 2010
WINTER FAIRIES directed by Anna Dudek
SPECIAL AWARD „ANIMA MUNDI ITINERANT” granted by the festival directors, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo / 2010
SPECIAL AWARD for the best film, Mayor of Cracow, Mr Jacek Majchrowski, and Cracow children’s audience, 2nd International Children’s Film Festival “Galicja”, Cracow, Poland / 2009
THE GOLDEN APPLE TREE directed by Joanna Jasińska Koronkiewicz
FIRST PLACE, in category Films for Children, II National Festival of Animation Films Borutafest’2010, Łęczyca, Poland / 2010
COBBLER KOPYTKO AND DUCK QUACK directed by Andrzej Gosieniecki
THIRD PLACE in category Films for Children, II National Festival of Animation Films Borutafest’2010, Łęczyca, Poland / 2010
BLACK GOBLIN directed by Robert Turło
CHILDREN’S JURY AWARD “KOGUT”, Festival 24th Tarnowska Nagroda Filmowa, Tarnów, Poland / 2010
LETTER OF CONGRATULATION FROM THE MAYOR OF POZNAŃ, commemorating the 110th anniversary of the first film screening in Poznań: “I was truly pleased to learn /…/ about the award won by ‘Taylor Thread’, part of the ‘Polish Fairy Tales’ series. /…/ Please accept my warmest congratulations and appreciation. /…/ The top quality artistic achievements of the Television Studio of Animation Films bring well-deserved fame to their makers and promote our city in an excellent way. Let me thank you and congratulate you once again.” Poznań, December 27, 2006
LETTER OF CONGRATULATION FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND – “I am deeply pleased to congratulate you on the prestigious awards that you received for ‘The Ice Mountain’ and ‘On a Princess Turned into a Frog’ at international festivals in 2005 and 2006. /…/ International success of your films gives Poland a sense of pride and achievement. I would like to thank you for your contribution to promoting Polish culture on a global scale.” Warsaw, April 12, 2006, for Robert Turło, director of ‘On a Princess Turned into a Frog’ and ‘The Ice Mountain’, parts of the ‘Polish Fairy Tales’ series.