Joanna Jasińska-Koronkiewicz
Director, scriptwriter, animator and artist.
1998 – 2003 she graduated from the Polish National Film School in Łódź, as well as the Department of Animation Film.
Since 2005, has worked for the TV Studio of Animation Films in Poznan.
Since 2012, Doctor of filmmaking, lecturer at the Film School in Łódź. Primarily pursues make films for children and young people in the painting animation technique directly under the camera. Winner of over 20 prises at international and national Festivals.
OLE-LUK-OIE | OLE ŚPIJSŁODKO z cyklu Namaluj mi bajkę… | 13:00
Directed, screenplay, artwork, animation, cinematography
Producer, production: TV Studio of Animation Films Ltd.
Co-production: Co-producer: EC1 Łódź – City of Culture
Film co-financed by the Polish Film Institute
AWARD’22 SFP – BEST FILM FOR CHILDREN for a brave and natural approach to the subject of death in the area of film for young viewers and extraordinary delicacy in presenting a serious topic. Particularly for the authorial and painterly expressive realisation technique, which bridges the gap between the inevitable and the beautiful, Animated Film Section – Polish Filmmakers Association, Industry Award for 2021, Krakow, 2022-12-02
MARCINEK SPECIAL MENTION for an amazing and beautiful painting vision and a deep message related to coming to terms with the death of loved ones, 39th International Young Audience Film Festival Ale Kino!, Poznań, 2021-12-12
O PSACH I KOTACH z serii Baśnie i bajki polskie, sezon 3 | 13:00
Directed, screenplay, artwork
Producer, production: TV Studio of Animation Films Ltd.
Co-production: Telewizja Polska SA, Narodowy Instytut Audiowizualny
Film co-financed by the Polish Film Institute
AWARD ‘SILVER BUNDLE BY KOZIOŁEK MATOŁEK’ in Category ‘Now the Children have a Voice!’ them. Leszek Gałysz, National Festival of Polish Animation O!PLA’2018, Pacanów, Poland, 2018-05-19
APOLEJKA I JEJ OSIOŁEK z serii Baśnie i bajki polskie, sezon 3 | 13:00
Directed, screenplay, artwork
Producer, production: TV Studio of Animation Films Ltd.
Co-production: Telewizja Polska SA, Narodowy Instytut Audiowizualny
Film co-financed by the Polish Film Institute
CHILDREN AUDIENCE AWARD, ‘GOLDEN MILLIPEDE’, 6 Film Festival for Children and Young People ‘KinoJazda’, Nowy Sącz, Poland, 2016-09-30
ST. VOJTECH´S PRIZE for the Best Film from the Visegrad Countries, for an excellent approach to the classic fairy-tale story transformed to story for current children viewers, 13th Biennial of Animation Bratislava – BAB 2016, 14.10.2016 Children Audience Award, ‘Golden Millipede’, 6 Film Festival for Children and Young People ‘KinoJazda’, Nowy Sącz, Poland, 2016-09-30
IT’S QUITE TRUE! | TO PEWNA WIADOMOŚĆ! z cyklu Namaluj mi bajkę… | 13:00
Directed, screenplay, artwork, animation, cinematography
Producer, production: TV Studio of Animation Films Ltd.
Co-production: AnimaFilm Foundation, Estrada Poznańska – Regional Film Fund
Film co-financed by the Polish Film Institute
NOMINATED for the Special Jury Award – International “Gold Panda” Awards for Animation of 2015, 13th Sichuan TV Festival, Chengdu, China, 2015-11-06
HOLLYWOOD EAGLE ANIMATION AWARD 2015 – Producer Ewa Sobolewska, 16th Annual Polish Film Festival, Los Angeles, USA, 2015-10-22
HOLLYWOOD EAGLE ANIMATION AWARD 2015 – Director Joanna Jasińska-Koronkiewicz, 16th Annual Polish Film Festival, Los Angeles, USA, 2015-10-22
SILVER LINE AWARD for the best film for children, National Festival of Auteur Animation Films OFAFA’2011, Cracow, Poland, 2015-10-17
AWARD of the Polish Filmmakers Association for Best Polish Animated Film of High Artistic and Educational Value – We award our prize to this film because of the perfect use of the special technique which enables us to enjoy a classic story in a new and dynamic way, 29 International Film Festival for Young People, „Ale Kino!”, Poznań, Poland, 2014-12-06
GRAND PRIX – GOLDEN FRAMES for the best short film for exceptional production of the film using the painting technique which has given the fairy tale its unique charm. Although set in the world of animals, the story told in the film ideally reflects our everyday life...”, 4th KinoJazda Festival of Films for Children and Young People, Nowy Sacz, Poland, 2014-09-26
BALLADA z cyklu Miniatury filmowe do muzyki klasycznej | 03:30
Music by Fryderyk Chopin Ballada f-moll op. 52
Directed, screenplay, artwork, animation, cinematography
Producer, production: TV Studio of Animation Films Ltd.
Film co-financed by the Polish Film Institute
GOLDEN APPLE-TREE | ZŁOTA JABŁOŃ z serii Baśnie i bajki polskie, sezon 2 | 13:00
Directed, screenplay, artwork
Producer, production: TV Studio of Animation Films Ltd. for TVP S.A.
FIRST PLACE in category Films for Children, II National Festival of Animation Films BORUTAFEST’2010, Łęczyca, Poland, 2010-07-03
KOSTKA ZAGADKI odcinek 11 z serii Miś Fantazy | 13:00
Producer, production: TV Studio of Animation Films Ltd. for TVP SA
DIES IRAE z cyklu Miniatury filmowe do muzyki klasycznej | 02:15
Directed, screenplay, artwork, animation, cinematography
Producer, production: TV Studio of Animation Films Ltd.
Film co-financed by the Polish Film Institute
FIRST PRIZE for the Animated Drawing Section of Premio Simona Gesmundo Corti D’animazione – For the creation of wonderful effects, for the balance and the mastery in rendering by animation a powerful approach to Mozart’s music, revealing it in an unusual way, Festival Internazionale del Cinema “Il Fiore d’ogni dove”, Cosenza, Italy, 2009-10-28
AWARD FOR THE BEST POLISH FILM, Jury Association of Polish Filmmakers at the 4th International Animated Film Festival “ReAnimacja”, Łódź, Poland, 2007-04-22
THE SPINNER | PRZĄŚNICZKA z cyklu Miniatury filmowe do muzyki klasycznej | 02:20
Directed, screenplay, artwork, animation, cinematography
Producer, production: TV Studio of Animation Films Ltd.
THE FLAX | LEN | 13:00
Directed, screenplay, artwork, animation, cinematography
Producer, production: TV Studio of Animation Films Ltd.
Film co-financed by the Film Production Agency
AUDIENCE AWARD, 11 National Festival of Auteur Animation Films OFAFA’2005 in Cracow, Poland, 2005-12-17
2003 – DUNIA – TAM I Z POWROTEM, 07: 15
Graduation film
Directed, screenplay, artwork, animation, cinematography
MILEŃKA, 04:20
Directed, screenplay, artwork, animation, cinematography
Student Etude
GRAND PRIX in category student films, VII National Festival of Auteur Animation Films OFAFA’2001 in Cracow, Poland
HIGH COMMENDATION, International Film Festival for Children „Ale kino! 2002”, Poznań, Poland
HIGH COMMENDATION, National Festival Independet Films „KamerLeon’2003”, Gdańsk, Poland
SPECIAL PRIZE , VI Student Film Festival “KLAPS’2003, Łódź, Poland
CELLO, 03:00
Directed, screenplay, artwork, animation, cinematography
Student Etude
THIRD PRIZE to the Director of the film, granted by the Jury the Second Meeting with Documentary and Animation Films “DAF 2001” in Szczecin, Poland MAIN AWARD /Ebarany/ in category animation films on the SFFR “KODAK’99”, Katowice, Poland
EBARANY, 00:30
Directed, screenplay, artwork, animation, cinematography
Student Etude
TABUN, 02:30
Directed, screenplay, artwork, animation, cinematography
Student Etude