Robert Turło
Director of animation films, artist, scriptwriter and animator.
From 1987 – 1993, he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk, and in the years 1996 – 1998, at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, where he obtained his diploma from the Graphic Arts Faculty , at the animated film studio of Daniel Szczechura.
He is the author of numerous vide-clips and animated films.
Co-designer of multimedia exhibition, of the European Centre for the Fairy in Pacanów.
Winner of over 20 awards at international and national festivals, including the Gold World Medal in New York, Special Remi Jury Award in Houston, Award “Bronze Cairo”, Children’s Jury Award “Kogut” in Tarnów.
2020: Cinema; Magnifying Glass; Teeth from the “Stories from the Sandbox” series;
2019: Home rhymes, season 2; Agatha and the Butterfly from the ‘Agatha’ series, season 2;
2017: The snake gratitude from the “Polish Fairy Tales” series, season 3;
2016: Unusual Friendship from the “Polish Fairy Tales” series, season 3; Home rhymes, season 1;
2015: Agatha and the Frog; Agatha and the Paper Elf from the ‘Agatha’ series, season 1 ;
2009: The Treasurer’s Gift, Black Course from the “Polish Fairy Tales” series, season 3;
2007: Wher’s a Moon? (Cosmic Game II);
2007: Fantazy’s Name-Day from the “Fantazy the Bear” series; 2006: Wher’s the New Year?; The Secret of The Cristal; Blue Bear from the “Fantazy the Bear” series;
2005-2007: Fantazy the Bear – Main Director of the series; Song of Love; On a Princess Turned into a Frog from the “Polish Fairy Tales” series, season 1;
2003: Ice Mountain from the “Polish Fairy Tales” series, season 3; ; Multimedia Project with music group “Von Zeit”;
2002: Kos Mos (for Malenczuk); A Little Story of Charity;
2001: They (for Von Zeit);
2000: Cosmic Game; High Flights; Słońcem Opętani (for Lady Pank);
1998: Hela (for Piersi);
1996: They Are (for Püdelsi);
1995: Hairdress Drama (for Big Cyc);
1993: Poland; Fingers; 1991: W.A.L.
HONOURABLE MENTION [Unusual Frendship from „Polish Fairy Tales” series] for depicting reliable characters and showing the importance of mutual support despite drawbacks and imperfections and respect for people and animals, 6 Film Festival for Children and Young People ‘KinoJazda’, Nowy Sącz, 26-30.09.2016
SILVER LINE AWARD [Treasurer’s Gift from „Polish Fairy Tales” series], for the best film for children, 16th National Festival of Auteur Animation Films OFAFA’2011, Cracow, 19.03.2011
CHILDREN’S JURY AWARD ‘KOGUT’ [Black Curse from the „Polish Fairy Tales” series], Festival 24. Tarnowska Nagroda Filmowa, Tarnów, Poland, 15.05.2010
SPECIAL REMI JURY AWARD [The Princess Turned into a Frog from the „Polish Fairy Tales” series] in category short film & video – Animated, , 40th Annual WorldFest-Houston International Film Festival, Houston, USA, 28.04.2007
LETTER OF CONGRATULATIONS from the President of Polish Film Institute for the contribution towards promoting Polish culture in the international arena – “The international successes of your films are a source of pride and satisfaction for Poland“, Warsaw, 25.01.2007
LETTER OF CONGRATULATIONS from the Polish President for the contribution towards promoting Polish culture in the international arena – “The international successes of your films are a source of pride and satisfaction for Poland“, Warsaw, 12.04.2006
AWARD BRONZE CAIRO [The Princess Turned into a Frog from the „Polish Fairy Tales” series], the film is a humorous retelling of a classic fairytale that takes children to an enchanted world of fantasy, Cairo International Children Film Festival, Cairo, Egypt, 2006
SILVER LINE AWARD [The Princess Turned into a Frog from the „Polish Fairy Tales” series], for the best film for children, 11 National Festival of Auteur Animation Films OFAFA’2005”, Cracow, 2005
GOLD WORLD MEDAL [Ice Mountain from the “Polish Fairy Tales” series] in category Children’s Programs, , 47 The New York Festivals, Television Programming & Promotion, New York, USA, 2005
SILVER LINE award [Ice Mountain from the “Polish Fairy Tales” series] for the best film for children, IX National Festival of Auteur Animation Films OFAFA’2003, Kraków, 2003
SILVER LINE for the film “Cosmic game”, OFAFA, Kraków, 2001
AUDIENCE AWARD for the film “Cosmic game”, OFAFA, Kraków, 2001
AWARD for an original design and HIGH COMMENDATION for the film “Cosmic game”, International Festival of Films for Children and Young People “Ale kino”, Poznań, 2001
GOLDEN YACH for the best clip “Hela!” – Festival of Polish Videoclips “YACH – FILM”, 1998
AWARD for the best animated clip “OTO SA” – Festival of Polish Videoclips “YACH – FILM”, 1997
“EXPO-92”, Sevilla – with movie “W.A.L.”, 1992
NOMINATION FOR “GOLDEN PALM” with movie “W.A.L.” in short film competition – Cannes Movies Festival, 1991
GRAND PRIX for movie „W.A.L.” – Movies Festival “DRABINA”, Gdańsk, 1991