Film from the “Fourteen Tales from Lailonia Kingdom by Leszek Kołakowski” series, based on the philosophical parables „Tales from Lailonia Kingdom for the Big and Small” by Leszek Kołakowski. Ajio, the stone-layer is a quiet, honest and reliable man. He works on a road building site in Lailonia. One day, a hump grows out on his back. The hump soon becomes Aijo’s double. The double is aggressive, deceitful and lazy. He soon manages to convince others that he is real Ajio. A humps epidemic spreads onto all Lailonia inhabitants. Real people are replaced by their doubles, who are aggressive and impertinent. Ajio’s double seizes the power over the town of humps. Only Ajio’s son manages to escape from the town. He hopes that when he grows up he will come back and settle accounts with the humps.
Directed, artwork, layout and animation by Marek Serafiński
Script, dialogue by Jan Zamojski
Music composed and performed by Janusz Grzywacz
Ajio/Humb Ajio created by Wojciech Wojtkowski and Anna Korpowska, Bogdan Nowicki, Marcin Nowicki, Tomasz Wojtkowski
Dubbing directed by Ewa Złotowska
Dubbing: Zbigniew Zapasiewicz /Narrator/, Jarosław Gajewski /Ajio-Hump Ajio/ and Dorota Chotecka, Bogdan Misiewicz, Radosław Pazura
Camera by Jan Maciej Ptasiński, Adam Dąbrowski
Editing by Marek Serafiński, Anna Ewert, Wiesław Nowak
Sound by Wiesław Nowak
Director assistant by Katarzyna Kucharska, Anna Zboina
Production Manager by Ewa Sobolewska
Series executive director by Maciej Wojtyszko
Series Editor by Anna M. Zaremba (TV SFA) and Krystyna Chojnacka (TVP S.A.)
Combined animation, 35 mm, coclor, 418 m/e, 15:15 min.
Date of production: 1998-07-30 © TV SFA – TVP SA 1998