Paweł Prewencki – Director
Director, graphic artist, scriptwriter and animator.
He graduated Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań.
In 2010 he was an assistant in studio of artistic draw in Institute of Design in Koszalin.
Currently he leading company Fifne-Studio. Assistant of Studio of Animation of the University of Fine Arts in Poznań.
Winner of over 40 prises at international and national Festivals.
Member of the Association of Polish Filmmakers.
LACK | BRAK, author’s animated film, 10:45′
Director, screenplay, artwork, animation
Producer, production: TV Studio Filmów Animowanych Sp. z o.o.
Co-producer: Fifne Studio – Michalina Prewencka
Film co-financed by Polish Film Institute
Date of production: 2023-01-01
BEST EXPERIMENTAL ANIMATION, Webseries & Film Festival (WFF), Lima, Peru, 2024-11-17
2024 HOLLYWOOD EAGLE FOR ANIMATION FILM, 25th Polish Film Festival, Los Angeles, USA, 2024-11-10
SPECIAL MENTION of the Festival Main Jury, 17th Offeliada Film Festival, Gniezno, Poland, 2024-11-10
BEST ANIMATED FILM – “Film is impactful and has a high importance for today’s world society, thank you for sharing all your talent with us. Film has no gaps or flaws in the script, it is a well-structured film, with truthful performances that reach the audience in the right way. An unforgettable animated film! Film direction was very well and structured, focusing on what really matters and showing the right points. The script also has a high value, it added great importance to the final result.”, Canoa Film Festival, São Paulo, Brazil, 2024-10-25
BEST AUTHOR FILM OF THE 2023 YEAR for depicting a personal experience and constructing a moving and deeply emotional story in a symbolic form, both on a visual and animation level complemented by an excellent soundtrack, III Awards of the Animated Film Section of the Polish Animated Film SFP’23, 31st International Etiuda&Anima Festival, Krakow, Poland, 2024-10-25
AWARD IN THE FORM CATEGORY, 13th Frap Film Festival, Gorzów Wlkp., Poland, 2024-10-20
BEST SHORT ANIMANDO, Visinicorte International Short Film Festival, Gaeta, Italy, 2024-10-19
1st PRIZE ‘GOLDEN NUGGLE’ in the animated film category, 9th Lower Silesian Film Festival ‘Golden Nugget 2024’, Złotoryja, Poland, 2024-09-29
BEST ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK – Kacper Krupa, 7th Bang Awards – International Animated Film Festival, Torres Vedras, Portugal, 2024-09-28
BEST ORIGINAL MUSIC – Kacper Krupa, Teatro d’Europa di Cesinali, Avellino, Italia, 2024-09-21
BEST SHORT FILM, Animatica – Small Festival of Animated Shorts, Saronno, Italy, 2024-09-07
3RDPRIZE for Paweł Prewencki, film director for an impressionist story about loss, pain and the search for hope, a short animation that included a dozen full-length feature films, 18th BNP Paribas Two Riversides — International Short Film Competition, Kazimierz Dolny – Janowiec, Poland, 2024-08-03
CERTYFICATE OF ACHIVEMENT, 2nd KISFFO Karditsa International Short Film Festival Opseis, Karditsa, Greece, 2024-07-29
3RD PRIZE FOR THE FILM, 22. Gastro Film Fest, Osijek, Croatia, 2024-07-13
BEST ANIMATION SHORT FILM, The 8th Ficcsur, Southern Cone International Film Festival, Valparaíso, Chile, 2024-05-24
AWARD OF „BRONZE MATOŁEK THE BILLY GOAT” in the Producer Category named Marek Serafiński at the 12. National Independent Animation Festival – Spring, O! PLA, Grand Final, Łódź, Poland, 2024-05-12
HONORABLE MENTION – BEST ANIMATION, Best International Film Festival – March 2024, Bucharest, Romania, 2024-04-02
THE BEST ANIMATION FILM, The Digital Gate International Film Festival, Annaba, Algeria, 2024-03-05
BEST DIRECTOR ANIMATION, Budapest Movie Awards 2024, Hungary, 2024-02-24
2ND PRIZE BEST ANIMATED FILM – FOREIGN, Indian International Short Film Festival Awards, Kolkata, Indie, 2024-02-22
BEST FILM – AUTUMN SHORT OF THE YEAR, Promofest – Promoting Films for Festivals, Madrid, Spain, 2024-02-15
BEST ANIMATION SHORT FILM, French Duck Film Festival, Paris, France, 2024-01-14
1st PLACE – ZARDZEWIA PODKOWA, ‘The film “Lack” stood out for its exceptional maturity and the beauty of its animation, which not only give it a unique character, but also made a difficult subject matter shown in a non-literal way. Not only does the animation work perfectly with the emotional message, but it is also a key element in making it possible to understand the deep feelings and complexity of the human experience. As a jury, we recognise that ‘Lack’ is not only an exceptional piece of filmmaking, but also an important voice in the social discussion on loss and bereavement. We congratulate Pavel Prewencki for his ability to convey deep emotions, using the beauty of animation as an essential element of this artistic narrative‘, Eadweard Muybridge Film Festival, Orzesz, Poland, 2023-12-16
BEST ANIMATION FILM, Polish International Film Festival, Warsaw, Poland, 2023-12-08
SPECIAL GOLDEN WLIFF LAURELS QUARTERFINALIST – BEST ANIMATION, Leopard International Film Festival, Stockholm, Sweden, 2023-12-04
GRAND PRIX AWARD for Animated Film, Main Competition of Short Films, 21. Festiwal Filmowy Opolskie Lamy, Opole, Poland, 2023-10-14
AUDIENCE AWARD, for Best Polish Animated Film, 16th International Animated Film Festival Animator, Poznań, Poland, 2023-06-25
NOMINATION of the Festival Main Jury for the Jan Machulski Award for Polish Independent Cinema in the category ‘Best Animated Film’, 17th Offeliada Film Festival, Gniezno, Poland, 2024-11-10
FINALIST and NOMINATION for award, Sussex International Film Festival, Sussex, UK, 2024-11-10
NOMINATION Film is nominated for the Hollywood Eagle Award for the best film in its category, 25th Polish Film Festival Los Angeles, USA, 2024-09-20
NOMINATION – BEST ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK [tu: Kacper Krupa], 7th Bang Awards – International Animated Film Festival, Torres Vedras, Portugal, 2024-08-29
NOMINATION for the Best Animated Short Film Award, Animatica Small Festival of Animated Shorts, Saronno, Italy, 2024-08-08
NOMINATION FOR THE FIVE “GOLDEN UNICORNS”, 39th ALPINALE Short Film Festival, Bludenz, Austria, 2024-08-06
NOMINATION – BEST ANIMATED FILM, 2024-03-01, Stockholm Independent Film Festival, 2024-05-26|27
MAYUMI z serii Opowiadania z piaskownicy, sezon 1, 5’
Reżyseria, dekoracje, compositing
Producent, produkcja: TV Studio Filmów Animowanych Sp. z o.o.
Film współfinansowany przez Polski Instytut Sztuki Filmowej i Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
STARSZY BRAT z serii Opowiadania z piaskownicy, sezon 1, 5’
Reżyseria, dekoracje, compositing
Producent, produkcja: TV Studio Filmów Animowanych Sp. z o.o.
Film współfinansowany przez Polski Instytut Sztuki Filmowej i Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
OSA z serii Opowiadania z piaskownicy, sezon 1, 5’
Reżyseria, compositing
Producent, produkcja: TV Studio Filmów Animowanych Sp. z o.o.
Film współfinansowany przez Polski Instytut Sztuki Filmowej i Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
NARTY z serii Opowiadania z piaskownicy, sezon 1, 5’
Reżyseria, dekoracje, compositing
Producent, produkcja: TV Studio Filmów Animowanych Sp. z o.o.
Film współfinansowany przez Polski Instytut Sztuki Filmowej i Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
NAGRODA THE BEST TV-SERIES, 13th International Animated Film Festival TOFUZI 2021, Batumi, Gruzja, 2021-10-30
Reżyseria, efekty
Producent: Fifne Studio
Producent: Studio Munka
Koproducenci: Zachodniopomorski Fundusz Filmowy Pomerania Film, Fifne Studio
Reżyseria, animacja
Producent: Uniwersytet Artystyczny w Poznaniu
Koproducent: Fifne Studio
Nagrody i wyróżnienia:
Nagroda specjalna w kategorii filmu studenckiego, „Balkanima” Serbia 2014
Grand Prix w kategorii film animowany, The Underground Film Festival „Be Film”, Nowy York 2013
Nagroda specjalna w kategorii filmu studenckiego, OFAFA, Kraków, 2013
II Nagroda w kategorii filmu studenckiego, „Animocje” Bydgoszcz 2013
HOOT AND HOLLAH – teledysk, MoceanWorkers
Reżyseria, animacja
Producent: Fifne Studio
Reżyseria, animacja
Producent: Uniwersytet Artystyczny w Poznaniu
Koproducent: Fifne Studio
Nagrody i wyróżnienia:
Best International Short, 5th International Animation Festival Chilemonos, Chile, 2014
Grand Prix w kategorii filmu studenckiego, OFAFA, Kraków, 2013
III Nagroda w kategorii filmu studenckiego, „Animocje”, Bydgoszcz 2013
Hollywood Eagle Animation Awards, Festival Filmów Polskich, Los Angeles, 2013
Best Animation, Fest-International Film Festival, Portugalia, 2012
Best Visual, 10th Fantoche Animated Film Festival, Szwajcaria, 2012
Maestro® Jury Grand Prix, 9th Animateka, Słowenia, 2012
Reżyseria, animacja
Producent: Uniwersytet Artystyczny w Poznaniu
Koproducenci: FIFNE Studio
Nagrody i wyróżnienia:
Wyróżnienie, Międzynarodowy Festiwal Animacji w Łodzi „Reanimacja”, Łódź, 2009
Wyróżnienie, Koszaliński Festiwal Debiutów Filmowych „Młodzi i Film”, Koszalin 2009
Wyróżnienie, The International Festival of the Animated Image „Animadrid”, Pozuelo de Alarcon, Hiszpania, 2009
Reżyseria, animacja
Reżyseria, animacja
Reżyseria, animacja
Filmy pokazywane były na około 200 festiwalach i pokazach krajowych i międzynarodowych.