How Gyom Became an Elderly Man
Film from the “Fourteen Tales from Lailonia Kingdom by Leszek Kołakowski” series, based on the philosophical parables „Tales from Lailonia Kingdom for the Big and Small” by Leszek Kołakowski.
Gyom, a young ice-cream peddler, lives with his wife, Mek-Mek in the town of Batum in Lailonia. Convinced that all good posts in Lailonia go to elderly men, he decides to change his appearance. He grows a beard and a moustache.
That, however, seems insufficient to pass for an elderly man. He buys a bowler, an umbrella, glasses and a pair of wellingtons. He turns into an elderly man, which secures him a job in a hotel. He begins making a lot of money. His wife, Mek-Mek, initially disapproves. However, when Gyom starts buying her various presents, she admits he has done the right thing by turning into an elderly man. One day a thief steals Gyom’s props of an elderly man. Gyom loses his job at the hotel. Mek-Mek no longer wants to be married to a young husband. She leaves him and marries a real elderly man. Gyom’s life becomes a nightmare. One day he is an elderly man, another a youngster, then – a baby. By continuing to dress up as someone else, Gyom loses his identity.
Direction, artwork, layout by Łukasz Słuszkiewicz
Script, dialogue by Jan Zamojski
Animacja: Maciej Matecki, Janusz Gałązkowski, Ewa Rodewald, Agnieszka Szcześniak, Elżbieta Kandziora, Waldemar Szajkowski
Music composed and performed by Janusz Grzywacz
Voices: Narrator-Zbigniew Zapasiewicz, Gyom-Jacek Sołtysiak, Mek Mek-Iwona Rulewicz, Elegant-Cezary Kwieciński, Starszy Pan-Janusz Bukowski, Policjant-Marek Frąckowiak, Sztubak, Jamnik-Andrzej Tomecki
Camera by Krzysztof Szyszka, Krzysztof Napierała
Sound, editing by Irena Husar
Assistant of the director by Maciej Matecki
Production Managing by Ewa Samborska
Series executive director by Maciej Wojtyszko
Series editor by Anna M. Zaremba (TV SFA)
Series editor by Krystyna Chojnacka (TVP SA)
Film made by classical animation on celluloid, 35 mm, colour, 447 m/e, 16:20 min.
Date of production: 10.09.1999 © TVP SA 1999